Knowledge base:

Corona & higher education

Corona & higher education

The corona crisis has had a major impact on students and higher education over the past two years. On this page, we answer frequently asked questions about the impact of the corona virus in higher education.

Student hotline COVID-19

From 18 February 2022 onwards, higher education is open again to every student without restrictions. Does your timetable still make you sit behind your laptop to follow your studies at home? Then report it via this hotline. This helps us to get a better picture of the students who are still unable to follow physical education.

Study delay

Can I go on to a Master's programme this year if I have not yet obtained my Bachelor's degree?

Normally, you can only progress to a master’s degree once you have obtained a bachelor’s degree. However, because of the corona crisis, many students have been delayed and still have to complete parts of their bachelor’s programme. Does this also apply to you? Then you can start your master’s programme under certain conditions. This is a temporary measure of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The condition is that you still obtain your bachelor’s degree within a set period of time (maximum 1 year). Consult with your study advisor about the exact rules, because they can differ per programme.


Can I get financial compensation if my studies are delayed because of the corona crisis?

It is possible that your studies have been delayed for reasons related to the corona crisis, with all the financial consequences this entails (tuition fees, rent, increasing loans, etc.). ISO is therefore pushing for financial compensation for students who are delayed due to the corona crisis. Are you entitled to a supplementary grant for the last time between 1 June 2020 and 31 August 2023? If so, you may be eligible for a one-off contribution of €1500. For more information about the concession, go to the DUO website.

When am I entitled to compensation from the Profileringsfonds?

In cooperation with the Landelijk Studenten Rechtsbureau, the ISO has drawn up an informative document with more information on the rights in the event of study delay. The government’s most recent service document states that students who have incurred or are expecting to incur a delay to their studies because they have been ill themselves due to the coronavirus, because they need to care for sick family members or because they have to combine studying with raising their child(ren), can claim the profiling fund. Students who are delayed in their studies for other reasons will not be able to make use of this fund.


Is my study allowed to use online proctoring?

Institutions can decide for themselves which form of testing they find most suitable for assessments. It therefore differs per programme whether online proctoring is used for digital testing. Former Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven has answered parliamentary questions about online proctoring in April 2021. She stated that it is permitted for study programmes to make use of online proctoring, as long as they comply with the AVG legislation. Students must also be permitted to object based on their specific situation.

Do you have concerns about a specific case or do you have other legal questions? If so, you can contact the Student Legal Clinic (LSR).

ISO believes that online proctoring has a considerable impact on students’ privacy. According to ISO, alternative methods of remote testing should therefore be considered before proctoring takes place online. If online proctoring does have to be used, then this must be clearly communicated to students and it must be clear what the rights of students are, what is done with the images and for how long they are in the possession of which party. ISO also considers it important that privacy protocols at institutions should be established in consultation with students.

Staat het antwoord op je vraag hier niet bij? Neem contact met ons op, of maak gebruik van een van de onderstaande hulpmiddelen. 

Voor veel praktische en specifieke vragen kan je het beste contact opnemen met je onderwijsinstelling of studieadviseur. 

Voor informatie over studiefinanciering en het leenstelsel kan je vaak terecht bij de Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). 

Voor juridische vragen of klachten kan je contact opnemen met het Landelijk Studenten Rechtsbureau (LSR). 

Voor vragen over toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs en studeren met een ondersteuningsvraag kan je terecht op de website Hoger Onderwijs Toegankelijk. 

Ben je mbo-student? JOB is de landelijke jongerenorganisatie die mbo-studenten een stem geeft in het onderwijs. 

Ben je scholier? Het Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren (LAKS) is een organisatie van, voor en door scholieren. 

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