The Dutch National Student Association is the largest national student organisation in the Netherlands and looks after the general interests of more than 800,000 students in the Dutch higher education system.
With info on selection, study finance, the BSA, and more.
Representation at the highest level: by and for students
ISO is kept afloat by a hard-working, motivated group of about twenty students: five board members who work full-time for a year, and fifteen part-time employees who support the board through several years. This makes us a flexible organisation that is bursting with creative, new insights, and also has the expertise to intelligently discuss complex issues. Together, we are committed to equal opportunities in education, the financial position of students, the quality of education and much more!
We work together with more than 100 different student organisations
We develop positions and make plans together with our member organisations, consisting of 41 political groups and student participation councils of universities and colleges across the country. We also form an alliance with 13 different student umbrella organisations, which allows us to develop a broader perspective and represent a more diverse group of students politically. We take these insights into account in our discussions with many national partners, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, political parties and umbrella organisations of universities and colleges.