Knowledge base:

After graduation

After graduation

What should I arrange when I graduate?

Did you get your diploma? Congratulations! When you graduate, there are a number of things you need to arrange:

  • Deregister from your college or university via Studielink. The date on which you deregister differs from one educational institution to another. This is often a different date to the date on which you will receive your degree. Check the website of your college or university to find out.
  • Stop your study funding and travel product. Your deregistration date determines until when you will be entitled to study funding and the travel product. See this page to check how long you are entitled to a student finance. You can cancel your loan via My DUO. To cancel your travel product, you will also need to visit a collection machine.
  • After an initial phase of 2 years, you must pay off your student debt.
  • Do you use your student e-mail? You may soon no longer have access to this, so change your e-mail address to a private one for important matters.
How do I stop my student travel product?

To cancel your student travel product, you must go to a service point.

When should I stop my student travel product at the latest?

To cancel your student travel card you must go to a service point. Do this at the latest on the 10th working day of the month that you are no longer entitled to it. If you do not cancel your OV-studentkaart in time, you will receive a fine of €78,29 per two weeks. Are you still using the OV-studentkaart after the 1st month? Then the fine is even €156,58 per half month.

Can I get a discount on public transport after I have finished studying?

From two days (but within three months) after cancelling your OV-studentenkaart you can apply for a free Dal Voordeel subscription. More information about discount after your student years can be found on the NS website.

Repayment of study debt

Do I have to start repaying my student debt immediately after my studies?

No, this is only required after two years. Interest may be charged during this period, but at the time of writing the interest rate is 0%.

See this page of DUO for more information.

How much do I have to repay each month for my student debt?

After an introductory phase of 2 years, you will have to repay your student debt. The monthly amount you will have to repay depends on your original study debt, the loan system under which you studied, the interest rate and your income. You can use DUO’s calculator to estimate how much you will have to pay each month.

Can I make extra repayments or stop repayments temporarily?

Yes, that’s possible. See this page for the possibilities of making extra repayments, and see this page for the possibilities of reduced or zero repayments.

What if I don't find a job after I graduate or don't earn enough?

If you fall under the new loan system (from September 2015), you do not have to make any repayments if your income is below the so-called ‘free allowance’: a kind of minimum limit. Moreover, you will never have to repay more than 4 percent of the amount you earn above this threshold.

So if you don’t earn much during your entire working life, but you do have a substantial debt, chances are you won’t have to pay off the whole debt. But beware: your partner’s income counts. If you look after the children at home and your partner earns more than double your standard income, you will still have to repay the debt.

If you fall under the old system (basic grant) you never have to pay more than 12 percent of your income above the financial capability free threshold. You may choose whether to include your partner’s income in the calculation of your financial capability.

See this page from DUO for more information.

Staat het antwoord op je vraag hier niet bij? Neem contact met ons op, of maak gebruik van een van de onderstaande hulpmiddelen. 

Voor veel praktische en specifieke vragen kan je het beste contact opnemen met je onderwijsinstelling of studieadviseur. 

Voor informatie over studiefinanciering en het leenstelsel kan je vaak terecht bij de Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). 

Voor juridische vragen of klachten kan je contact opnemen met het Landelijk Studenten Rechtsbureau (LSR). 

Voor vragen over toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs en studeren met een ondersteuningsvraag kan je terecht op de website Hoger Onderwijs Toegankelijk. 

Ben je mbo-student? JOB is de landelijke jongerenorganisatie die mbo-studenten een stem geeft in het onderwijs. 

Ben je scholier? Het Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren (LAKS) is een organisatie van, voor en door scholieren. 

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