Knowledge base:

Student finance & student debt

Student finance

Can I apply for student finance?

If you are enrolled in university, higher professional education, or secondary vocational education, you can apply for student finance. You must be a Dutch national or have the same rights. This means non-Dutch can also apply for student finance.

Do you fail to meet the nationality criteria for student finance? Then you may still qualify for a tuition fees loan.

More information can be found on the website of DUO.

What does student finance consist of?

Student finance for higher education comprises 4 components: a regular loan, a student travel product, a supplementary grant and a tuition fee loan. If you follow a course in secondary vocational education, you can also get a basic grant.

More information can be found on the website of DUO.

How much student finance can I get?

Go to this website from DUO to find out how much student finance you can get. Student finance is paid around the 24th of each month.

Student debt

How can I apply for a loan?

Before applying for a loan, check if you are eligible for a supplementary grant. A supplementary grant becomes a gift if you graduate within 10 years, a loan does not.

You can apply for a loan via MijnDUO. When you apply for student finance, you can apply for a loan at the same time. You can also apply for it later via MijnDUO.

How much interest do I pay on my loan?

There is interest on your study debt. The interest on your loan runs from the first month in which you first receive study funding. As long as you receive study finance, the interest rate is reset every calendar year. When you graduate, the interest rate is fixed for 5 years.

The current interest rate is 0.00%.

Supplementary grant

Am I entitled to a supplementary grant?

The supplementary grant depends on your parents’ income.

More information about whether you are entitled to a supplementary grant can be found here.

How much supplementary grant can I get?

Use this calculator to find out what the income limit is and how much supplementary grant you can get.

Do I have to pay back my supplementary grant?

The supplementary grant is part of the performance-based grant. This amount will therefore be converted into a gift if you graduate within 10 years. If you do not graduate within 10 years, you will have to pay back the supplementary grant.

How long am I entitled to study financing?

For how long you are eligible for student finance, depends on the course you are following.
See this page for more information.

Staat het antwoord op je vraag hier niet bij? Neem contact met ons op, of maak gebruik van een van de onderstaande hulpmiddelen. 

Voor veel praktische en specifieke vragen kan je het beste contact opnemen met je onderwijsinstelling of studieadviseur. 

Voor informatie over studiefinanciering en het leenstelsel kan je vaak terecht bij de Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). 

Voor juridische vragen of klachten kan je contact opnemen met het Landelijk Studenten Rechtsbureau (LSR). 

Voor vragen over toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs en studeren met een ondersteuningsvraag kan je terecht op de website Hoger Onderwijs Toegankelijk. 

Ben je mbo-student? JOB is de landelijke jongerenorganisatie die mbo-studenten een stem geeft in het onderwijs. 

Ben je scholier? Het Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren (LAKS) is een organisatie van, voor en door scholieren. 

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